Oil on Canvas Painting by Andries Sheerboom, "Henry II, Prisoner at Flint Castle"
Oil on Canvas Painting by Andries Sheerboom, "Henry II, Prisoner at Flint Castle"
An oil on canvas painting by Belgian artist, Andries Sheerboom depicting Henry II after he was taken prisoner and being held at Flint Castle. The knight in armor is the Duke of Hereford who would become the new king of England.
The image size measures approximately 27 1/2” x 35 1/2” and the overall size including the frame is approximately 33 1/2” x 40 1/2”. The painting has been lined. There is an area on the right side of the painting where the canvas covers the stretcher but due to a portion of the stretcher missing there is a small space area next to the frame. The painting itself is in very good condition as is the gilt frame.
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